Friday, 9 December 2005

Never Again "Just Taking A Walk"

Seeing as how smoking is now as socially acceptable as admitting a liking for kissing dogs' bottoms, and also on account of it not being advised for sufferers of my own weird disease**, I have committed myself to quitting the evil weed.
Apparently it is bad for you or something, Christ, why didn't someone mention it? Fuck, I've been smoking for about ten years! If only I had known.....

I checked out various websites a while back with a view to the big quit, hoping for a bit of encouragement and advice on how to go about it. I downloaded a little animated cartoon guy from an Australian website because he looked cute, and I honestly thought it would help. Of course, on running the programme the little blighter popped up every ten minutes, interrupted whatever else I was doing and barfed up a lung. Literally. With sound effects. I was so disturbed by this that I have continued to smoke for months. But now I am ready, I am prepared for the worst.

I fully expect to have gnawed my own arm off by the end of the weekend.

*My dad is a member of Ash and I still haven't mentioned the fact that I smoke lest he disowns me or summat. I just "go for walks" a lot when at home.
**Henoch Schonlein Purpura. It's odd! It's rare! It's my body acting like my kidneys are foreign bodies and mobilising the white blood cell army against them! Out, Damnable kidneys! Out, I say!

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